Week 1-SSDC

The focus for me this week was to work on of the scope of works for the Full-Scale Bogie. The scope of work that I worked on particularly is a designing a belt tensioning system for the drivetrain of the bogie. The previous team before us had implemented a belt driven system to transfer power from the Permanent Magnet DC motor to one of the axles on the bogie. However, the goal of the current Full-Scale Bogie Team is to add to the current design a a belt tensioning system. I then explored methods to tension the belt automatically to help cope with wear and any thermal expansion the belt might experience. After research online and drawing multiple iterations of possible design, I arrived at a possible solution that would had a third pulley to the current system. This pulley would then be attached to spring where the pulley is allowed to slide on a slot cut into the bracket. The designed was first sketched by hand, and then reworked in SolidWorks. Below are two of the CAD images. Dan later suggested that I try attaching the tension system directly to where the motor is currently mounted to help save time and make the design more simple. Topics that still need to be considered are the type of belt that should be used. Furthermore, there is still needs to be exploration in to finding  parts that remove the need for anytime of slot as Dan suggested.


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